Kallima is a Dedicated Bach to Rock Star

Sporting her custom embroidered leather jacket, Kallima is beyond proud to be a Bach to Rock star! She started playing her toy guitar when she was just 2 years old, and now, at age 7, shreds on her legitimate Fender EVH remake. She loves Bach to Rock so much, that after just 10 months of lessons, she had her leather jacket embroidered with the Bach to Rock logo and her name on the back! Kallima takes guitar lessons and is in a rock band.
“Bach to Rock is perfectly calibrated for Kallima’s age and experience. Her teachers are absolutely outstanding,” said Kallima’s dad, Corey. A quick learner, Kallima is already playing in a band, Gnarvana Piranha’s, with her friends and they have already performed at several community events. Kallima gushed, “I love crushing it on stage with my friends!”
Corey chose Bach to Rock thanks to its energetic and welcoming environment, talented instructors, management, superior music facility and overall rock-n-roll experience. He encourages other parents to have their kids try a music camp, take a school tour or check Bach to Rock out online or at an event.
Corey added, “We love Bach to Rock and will be lifelong family members!”
To find out more about music lessons in your area, find your closest Bach to Rock location.