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May 10, 2024

Student of the Month – Kayla P

Kayla POur Student of the Month (April 2024) is Kayla P., who takes Rock Band lessons at Bach to Rock East Marietta. Read the Q&As below to find out more about her!

Q: What inspired you to play music?

A: I was inspired to play music by my school’s music teacher, who lets students learn whatever instrument they want.

Q: What is your favorite style of music?

A:  My favorite styles of music are pop and classic rock

Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?

A: Adam Lambert. I love how energetic his music is and the love and acceptance it spreads

Q: What are you learning right now in your lessons?

A: Currently, my band is learning the song “When I Come Around” by Green Day.

Q: What are you most looking forward to learning/performing?

A:  I am excited to get better at this song and learn one of my favorites, “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Ozbourne.

Kayla PQ: What’s your favorite thing about Bach to Rock?

A: I love how Bach to Rock teaches all kinds of music, so we can learn how to play our favorite songs.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your teacher?

A: My favorite thing about my teacher is how we can joke around and have fun while still learning the music.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not playing music?

A: One of my favorite things to do when I am not playing music is exploring other kinds of art, like whittling and pottery.

Mr. Chris has been Kayla’s Band Teacher since January 2024, and has shared his thoughts on teaching Kayla:

“The reason I chose Kayla for student of the month is because she is a very dedicated musician and a leader in the band. She is always at rehearsal on time, is always prepared, and is always willing to try something new and challenging.”

Kayla P